Visit Rhodes Scholarships Website

Application Deadlines: Early October for the following academic year

John Carroll Representative: Honors Program Director, Dr. Julia Karolle-Berg (jkarolle)

On-campus Resources: Dr. Mindy Peden (mpeden)

Eligibility: United States citizens, aged eighteen or over but not yet twenty-four on October 1 in the year of application. They must also have academic standing sufficient to assure completion of a bachelor’s degree before entering Oxford the following October in the event of election to a Scholarship […] Applicants apply as representatives of one of the fifty states.”

From the Website: "The Rhodes Scholarships are tenable at Oxford University. Persons interested in applying for the Scholarships should make certain that Oxford University offers programs appropriate to their undergraduate emphasis and their plans for further study. They should also make certain that the two years offered by the Rhodes Scholarship will allow a pattern of academic work in Oxford which fits into their career plans. The Rhodes Scholarships, the oldest international fellowships, were initiated after the death of Cecil Rhodes in 1902, and bring outstanding students from many countries around the world to the University of Oxford.”

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