Pontificia Università Urbaniana Summer in Rome
Visit Pontificia Università Urbaniana Summer in Rome Website
Application Deadlines: Mid-May
John Carroll Representative: Dr. Santa Casciani
On-campus Resources: Classical and Modern Languages and Cultures Department
From the Website: Summer School on Christian Sciences for students from other Religious Traditions The main institutional aim of the Pontificia Università Urbaniana is to provide higher education programs designed for pastoral care operators who serve (with different ministries and ecclesial responsibilities) in areas where the Church is a minority and other religions and cultures are dominant. The purpose of the Summer School is to allow students of Universities and Institutions of Higher Education from non-Christian majority Countries to have a study-abroad period at the PUU. Our proposal is a program of study assuring a first-hand knowledge of the Catholic and ecclesial context and an overall presentation of its human and religious values and concerns for a peaceful cohabitation among communities from different cultures and religions.
Program and Application
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